3ViTre - Archivio di PoliPoesia 

3rd VideoSoundPoetry Festival

Link Bologna Modern Art Gallery Bologna fall 1998

VideoSound Poetry Festival comes back to its activity with this third edition, edited by Archivio 3Vitre di Polipoesia with the support of Link Project Bologna, Bologna Modern Art Gallery and the University of Bologna (DAMS).

The first edition was held in 1984, the second 1989 in Sala Polivante, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara.

The videofestival will be activated in the fall 1998 in the above mentioned places and will be developed through its five sectors:

  1. Videoreading
  2. Videopoetry
  3. Sound Poetry Video
  4. Videoperformance
  5. Sound Poetry/Poetry Videoinstallation.

Needless to say that Videoreading presents the typical reading of a poet, that Videopoetry develops the connections between the poetical text and the video image, that Sound Poetry Video faces the approach between the sound poem and the image conveyed via tv, that the Videoperformance is the faithful documentation of a live event, and that, last but not least, the Videoinstallation both supported by a sound poem or a poem, develops the relationships with the physical environment.

The videoworks are coming a lot, and a great edition is announced, a unique one, very useful to analyse the international situation of videopoetry. Apart from the vision of the videopoems, there will be meetings, special issues, workshops.

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