POLIPOETRY 4 (1988-90)
Con Sonants (5'), music by L.S.D.: an attempt to communicate a universal
language exploiting the sound of the consonants. A continuous rhythm done
by the it.D.: an attempt to communicate a universal language exploiting the
sound of the consonants. A continuous rhythm done by the italian group is
a sort of musical wave creating a harmonic atmosphere. (foto spartito)
Monòstico (4'), music by L.S.D.: monòstico is a poem
done with only one line, from the point of view of sound poetry it becomes
a way of exploring especially the first syllable 'mono' which is a symbol
of monotony, but only through monotony or repetition we can get in touch
with the core of the things. (foto spartito) foto spartito cat.guercino
Regina (Queen) (Wav file,
211Kb/compressed, 52Kb)(5'), music by
L.S.D.: the poem exploits the largest italian word, that's,
'precipitevolissimevolmente' which means something very fast and sudden,
the poem is just dedicated to the 'queen' among the italian words, splitting
it intro three different stages; the first 'precipite' brings the sense of
falling down, 'volissime' is the sense of cold rationality and finally 'volmente'
is conveying the sense of the flight.
'Poema' (Poem) (Wav file,
172Kb/compressed, 42Kb) (5'), music by
L.S.D., is the oldest poem done by the author, it was done in 1979, still
worth being listened to, despite the fact that it has been reduced to 5 minutes
from the original 20. It is always the same word 'poem', which transforms
itself becoming a way of transmitting different meaning from laughing to
crying, from military voice to orgasm, from violent gun-bullets to the common
All poems come along with a live Video strictly following the vocal
exhibition. The images are taken from videopoems by the Author, produced
at "Centro Video Arte" in Ferrara, "DPZ" in Zaragoza (Spain), and at the
Pontifical University in São Paulo of Brazil. (VHS standard)
POLIPOETRY 5 (1990-92)
Poems of Colors (Wav file,
150Kb/compressed, 37Kb) (7'), music
by Ares Tavolazzi (who is the best italian jazz man as far as the bass guitar
is concerned, he has played with many famous musicians and now he is interested
into sound poetry, in this poem he plays the prepared contrabass). The poems
develops the sounds of the colours, in an original way, as the colours have
their own dialogues or monologues, and they are often compared to common
sentences. The poem has been produced for the italian painter Il Guercino
who was born in the same town where I still live, it has been commissioned
by the local Art Gallery to commemorate him.
Autopoema, autoradio y autodistrución (16'), music by Ares
Tavolazzi, the poem has been produced for the National Spanish Radio RNE
2. It's a poem which develops a story: the listeners hear all the sounds
typical of a car which is moving, then the travel goes on touching many spanish
towns, for each town a poem, there is the typical voice of a radio speaking
about listener's habits when he is listening to radio, till the final ruin
of everything. The poem is in two parts , the first 9', the second 7'.
Enzo Minarelli
(Wav file,
307Kb/compressed, 151Kb)
time 20'
production 1997
music by Ares Tavolazzi (contrabas), Barbara Kostner (flute)
an antagonist poem
a protagonist poem
a protantagonist poem
a poem against
practically a poem for Te.
a poem about the opposite extremisms
an attempt to introduce the contrast in sound poetry
once more ambiguity and repetition are the Great Inspiring Muses
"now the ship is owned by the cook and what he trasmits from the commander's
megaphone it is not the route to be followed but the list of what we 'll
eat tomorrow"
A poem where the word puts herself again in the heart of the creation , a
word which puts herself near the borders of incomprehension, a word at any
case full of meanings, a word totally related to mimics, to music, to the
light which does play a very important role in the live performance. A poem
perfectly coherent with the theory of Polypoetry
expressed by the author himself.
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